B-AUTO 樓宇自動化
Building Automation / B-AUTO
Building Automation (BAS / B-AUTO), also known as Building Management System (BMS) or Building Energy Management System (BEMS), is the Automatic Centralized Control of a Building's MVAV, HVAC, cooling & heating, air-conditioning, electrical, lighting, shading, access control, security systems, and other interrelated systems.
Some objectives of building automation are improved occupant / user comfort, efficient operation of building systems, reduction in energy consumption, reduced operating and maintaining costs and increased security.
A building controlled by a BAS / B-AUTO is often referred to as an "Intelligent Building", a "Smart Building", or (if a residence) a "Smart Home".
樓宇自動化(BAS / B-AUTO),也稱為樓宇管理系統(BMS)或樓宇能源管理系統(BEMS),是對建築物的通風及冷暖空調、電氣、照明、遮陽、訪問控制/門禁系統、安全系統及其他相關系統之中央自動控制管理系統。
由 BAS / B-AUTO 控制的建築物通常稱為「智慧建築」、「智能建築」或(如果是住宅)「智能家居」。
B-AUTO Pro-Products
樓宇自動化 專業產品
- Integrated Monitoring Systems
- Centralized Controlling Systems
- Full Ranges of Sensors
- Comprehensive Monitoring & Controlling Panels
- Relay Switches
- RS485 / 4-20mA / 0-5V / 0-10V / Wireless Connection Modules
- 綜合監測系統
- 中央控制系統
- 全系列傳感器 / 感應器
- 全面監控面板
- 繼電器開關
- RS485 / 4-20mA / 0-5V / 0-10V / 無線 連接模組
B-AUTO Pro-Products are provided by
Maxence Hong Kong Limited & Maxence Century Company.
Please contact our Sales Representatives for more details:
Tel: +852 5132 5120
Email: info@maxencehk.com
Email: maxence.century@hotmail.com
Website: https://maxencehkltd.webnode.tw/
Website: https://mcchk.webnode.tw/
電話 : +852 5132 5120